Monday, December 14, 2009

How long was the shaduf in use for?

The shaduf was used for 3,000 years with out being changed because it worked so well. The shaduf is still being used to day.

What did the shaduf look like?

Shadufs looked like a big tetertoder. There was a clay buckets that picked up the water. But there was a rock on the other end to help counter whater the wehet the whate the water. There was a stand theat the shaduf was put on too.

Who was the shaduf used for?

A gardner inventer the shaduf because he wounter aneaser the shaduf because he waunter aneaser was to water his garden.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

How did the shaduf work?

It was like a balence, on one end there is an bucket and on the other there is a rock. When you put a buket it the water the rock would help counter balence it so it was easery to take the water bucket up and get the water.

What was the shaduf use for?

It is a meshen that has a bucket on one end and a wheat on the other side. It had a stick in the middle and it worked like a balance and looked like one. It was the Egyptians first version of a water pump. The water pump was used to get water and still is in use today.

Friday, December 11, 2009

What is an shaduf???

Ok what is an shuduf? Well it is an old of in my words acent water pump. It was like a stick and had a bucket on one end and a rock on the other to counter whate it bucket. So what there needs to be more than that. Well there is, there is an stand that holds the stick up it looks like this on the left. The Egyptuns used the shaduf whan there was a drie seasen. This helped them not have to break there backs just to get water b/c it is hard back breaking work to get water out of a river that is low.